Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Getting a Handle on Utility Cost

As I mentioned in my last post, utilities can really play havoc with a resorts budget. However, there are number of things management can do, to keep them under control.. Last time I mentioned electrical concerns. Well, water consumption is an other area that needs to be monitored. We all want our resorts to look like a paradise, with lots of foliage and blooming flowers. Well, this takes quite a bit of irrigation, to keep it looking lush.. However, these irrigation systems need to be monitored, so they don't waste one of our most precious resource, water. I reviewed our water bills a couple of months ago, and almost fell out of my desk chair. We had a single water meter that was directly connected to our irrigation system, that irrigated one half of our resort.. For a one month period, that one single meter, recorded a cost of over $4000.00 to irrigate only one half of our resort.. Come to find out, the timers were set to water for one hour, every day.. After speaking to a number of nursery personal, we found out, it was not necessary to water for an hour a day, it was only necessary to water for 10 to 15 minutes twice a week.. So, again, its just a matter of monitoring, and being familiar with the operation of various system, and their needs.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Save Money by Going Green

In the Timeshare industries, management is always looking for ways to save on operating cost. In doing so, it can help keep down maintenance fee's. As a member of a Board of Directors of a Timeshare in Miami Beach, Fl., there are a number of things we have done to reduce our utility bills. In the area of electric bills, we replaced every incandescent light bulb in the resort, with the new energy saving CFL florescent bulbs. We have also installed digital thermostats, that have a lock out feature, that keeps the maids from using the air conditioning to dry the floors, after they mop them, and then forget to go back and adjust the thermostat, back to the proper setting. I hope this will help keep down your overhead. Because with the constant increases in utilities, this is an area of the operation of our resorts, that is in our control. Then hopefully we are able to stabilize maintenance fees!!!